101-10-2022Summary of Notification No. 18/2022–Central Tax dated 28th September 2022.
203-10-2022Renting of residential accommodation for PERSONAL USE by registered person is exempt as given in judgement by Delhi High CourtDownload
04-10-2022 Re-opening of TRAN Forms to claim Transitional ITC.Download
06-10-2022 SCN without detailed allegations do not serve the proper opportunity of being heard as given in judgement by Bombay High Court
10-10-2022 Matter remanded back when GST Refund Sanction Order was passed erroneously but funds were not released as given in
judgement by Andhra Pradesh High Court.
13-10-2022 Time-barred appeal allowed considering the violation of right to life and liberty as guaranteed by Article 21 of the
Constitution of India as given in Judgement by Rajasthan High Court.
14-10-2022 Parallel GST proceeding by different wings of same department for same period is not permissible
as given in judgement by Calcutta High Court 
15-10-2022 Time period to file appeal starts on upload of order on GST portalas given in judgement by Andhra Pradesh High Court.Download
17-10-2022  Refund of IGST allowed on exports after deduction of drawback duty as given in judgement by Delhi High Court. Download 
10 18-10-2022 GST Registration cannot be cancelled by Infraction of Rule 25 of CGST Act, 2017 as given in judgement by Delhi High Court. Download
11 21-10-2022 Entertainment of the writ petition under Article 226 by the HC is unjustified when alternate remedy to appeal is provided in tax law
as given in judgement by Supreme Court.
12 22-10-2022 SCN must be speaking and clear with regard to the allegations/details as given in judgement by Bombay High Court. Download
13 25-10-2022  SC’s suo moto extension of limitation period is applicable even for condonation period in filing of a GST Appeal  as given in
judgement by Delhi High Court.
14 31-10-2022 Payments through DRC-03 under CGST regime is not a valid mode of payment for making pre-deposits ubder
Central Excise and Service Tax 
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